jueves, 21 de septiembre de 2017

Applying images and sounds

1.-  When you learn some word, you should have an idea of an image of this one, and when you need remember this word only you refresh your mind and revive this image with the word.

Resultado de imagen para mind images
2.- You can try to make a semantic map. This works as a union of ideas. Only, you put the words and some that you can link for understand better. Or in another context, you can make a semantic map with words look alike.

3.-  Another form of  to remember a new idiom is using special words, for this one is:
identifying the words same other that you can remember so you will create a visual image of this new word.

Resultado de imagen para foco prendido

Direct Strategies

In this part, the apprenticeship is for physicals means, these are the cognitive, the memory and the compensation.

Resultado de imagen para person studying

Cognitive is the form of practice and repeat everything. You must try to evaluate expressions and other things and so if you learn some language, you need translating everything.and if you have problems with some words, you try to take notes.

Resultado de imagen para repeat please
In the memory, you need to associate the new words with other types of words ( animals, objects, thought, etc). Also, you try to use images or sounds that you link up the new word with an image or a sound that naturalize you. Finally with the new technologies, you ´can practice with mechanical techniques.

Resultado de imagen para memory

The last one is compensation that is a form of stimulating you. in this part using trails and your imagination for finding the main idea in a paragraph o in a conversation.

Resultado de imagen para stimulating

Note: if you do not understand so, I recommend that a get help of professionals in the matter.

miércoles, 20 de septiembre de 2017

Strategies of learning 

The strategies are forms of  learning very easy and people has two forms of study, in this part, you can see:
                                              Indirect strategies                                            

Resultado de imagen para indirect

Exist  three forms of apprenticeship and they are:
the metacognitive, sociality and the affective.

Resultado de imagen para mental

the metacognitive is a form of the brain to process the ideas, is like subliminal messages. Examples of this are: listen to conversation, thing before speak, and you try to evaluate yourself.

Resultado de imagen para mensajes subliminales

Another form of learning is the form social. In this, one must be a cooperative person, somebody friendly and the most important question everything.

Resultado de imagen para questions

and the last one in this part is affective. Is a form of relaxing, and here have some recommendations.
Low the anxiety and the stressful with music or the meditation. And some other important is listen to your body because maybe you can have a problem physical and emotional.

Resultado de imagen para meditation